Hello, I’m Michael Calvo

About Me

In 2012, I graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University with two bachelor degrees in 1) Mathematics and 2) Computer Science. In 2021, I completed my MBA from Temple University in Philadelphia.

I have been a professional technologist since 2011, holding roles from researcher to full stack developer. Most recently, I managed two agile teams in the D&A department, with one searching for insights to curve the opioid epidemic.

At time of writing, I am a based out of New Zealand, but have worked in the USA, UK, and Hong Kong.

I’m passionate about applying technology when and where it makes an impact. I try to write code that is easy to use, read, and maintain. I never feel like I know enough, so I am always experimenting/tinkering/playing with something.

Away from the laptop, I am probably cooking, making a complicated tiki cocktail, or (if I publish this, I need to commit) at the gym.

This Page

In case you wanted to take a look under the hood. I used Jekyll because I like the blog functionality and may add it down the line. I also wanted to become more comfortable using it to build interesting static sites.


A quick and easy visual capacity model built with the Spring MVC framework and angular1. It also was a small project to help me understand Java threading.


A simple Javascript framework I built to chain together bash script execution. It also lets you easily add middleware functions.


A python web app built with the Pyramid framework and angular2. It is a shared calendar system to help you and your friends decide on a vacation date.